Saturday, April 15, 2006

Uncle Din with Baby Eisha

Just wanna wish my not so little brother Ishanuddin Muslim for his..I thinks its ..ok wait.. I'm 29 yrs old minus zura..2 years then minus 6 for ihsan.. so I think he should be 21 years old.. ok lets do that again..

"Happy 21st Birhday Ihsanuddin".. we use to called him "isang- nuddinggg" now probably "ihsang" probably because of all his friends called him that now..

"Holaaa-holaaa org wak doh kak..hari tu mase behde' ayoh orang pakak tulih doh eeh kak.. lambak sikek kot.. baru poh hari tu"

for those who do not undertand that; you could cut-and paste the text into Google Translate Posted by Picasa

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