Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Busy Month!

Its going to be a very busy week. I have to be in JB on the 10th until 11th for a site visit; evaluating contractors for their work quality.. boring stuff anyways; then the following weekend I’m planning to “Keluar 3H” for khususi purposes; that’ll be 12th-14th. This is to support the main “Dhjor” planned at the Markas, Kubang Bujuk in August 2006. This year we are targeting 6,000 souls to attend. Its going to be a gathering of “karkuns” from 3 states, Pahang, Kelantan and Terengganu. For those who do not understand some of the terms used, please consults your nearest karkuns at your locations or you could just sit-in one of their Taklims sessions. Kitab Reading typically done after solah subuh J

Ok, then on the 15th-17th I’d have to be in Gebeng Kuantan to conduct an audit session for MTBE. Another Petronas chemical plant in Pahang. Its’ probably a good time to visit one of my closest friend Mat Dolleh. He got transferred there last month after a long 8 years of his application. That realy how it goes here in Petronas Ammonia; the place I’d worked. Let me quote what my previous bos used to say to those guys who’d planned for a transfer “ Engko tanam pokok durian, bila dah boleh keluar buah then engko apply!”
So I suppose 8 years is still a bit to early since it typically took a durian tree at least 10 years to have its first produce!

Still have 1 more meeting to attend. MMSEP focal person meeting 18th-19th on behalf of Petronas Ammonia in KL at yes.. KLCC. “Macam la takde tempat lainkan..” Ops..but if I’m not mistaken we going to conduct the meeting at a “yet-to-be-confirmed” hotel.

I’m also going to arrange another meeting to see my excellent upline Julius Kew when I’m in KL probably on the 20th for my monthly business counsel. Still have not confirm with him yet; never mind I’ll give him a call.

So that’s my planned for the month… how’s yours?

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